The Politician's wife

The Politician's wife (british mini-series)

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(All three episodes have been combined into just
one single file of 1.6GB for you for our purposes here)

This British mini-series "The Politician's wife" is a rather interesting look at 
some particular individuals in society that enjoy being vindictive. 

I say in this case that's depicted in this great series - why not just a simple 
divorce rather than a vendetta to destroy! 

There is an interesting sex scene in Episode 1 (approx 46 mins into the program) 
where a marital disagreement turns into a sexual encounter seeming to pave the 
way to reconciliation as appears to be the intent on the part of Trevor Eve's 
character it would appear. Rather complex issues raised I would think (sexual
privileges - possible charge of being a sexual aggressor etc)

A nice fella who was a member of the Italian community of Canada sitting in the
House of Parliament as a full MP went out with a female member of the NDP party 
(a fellow MP no less) and even though their intimacy (sexual encounter) was deemed 
pleasant enough I suppose and certainly consensual seeming at the time in what may 
have appeared to have been a nice enough way to spend an evening - hell she even supplied
the condom on her own seeming accord - she later complained that the Canadian Criminal 
code requires the woman to enounce the word "yes" to a point blank question of consent 
privileges for the man in question, or he is in fact fallen short of the law's idea of validity 
of consent despite what any human beings in command of their own seeming faculties would 
regard otherwise instead.

Go figure!!

Time to turf em all out on the ear as it were that can make up their own inane seeming 
rules to apply only when they feel the need to target someone not of their own mindset 
it would appear otherwise instead

Michael Rizzo Chessman


