A Bronx Tale (1993)

This is a movie directed by
Robert De Niro himself, he brought the
movie to the screen
after seeing a version of it on Broadway, in
an initial script version by
co-star and
playwright Mr. Chazz
It has a controversial (even today) statement on what potential
lies in what
race mix
could be experimented with potentially
perhaps, even maybe too, who knows fer
crissakes - there's lots
of conflict shown between the white (Italian) areas and
the black
areas with molotov cock-tail bombs goin off it seems and the
mutual disdain as a
of the interactions which are filled
with negativity and violence which it
breeds in the
presented between warring seeming factions as depicted.
mob culture is
pitted against the idea of earning a working
man's wage in
what is a bid to keep the folks
safe from violence
and prison life too fer
Michael rizzo Chessman