A Doll's House (1973) -
based on the play by
Henrik Ibsen (Norway)
This is a review of an offering from Norway of this play - entitled "Et
(in the Norwegian)
See note on the Hopkins version included within the text below:
A dolls house is an important movie for the world. Its ramifications couldn't
be overstated. It is literally
about the most crucial decisions ahead of us and
that have
been perennially divisive. Its about what value are real,
and most
worth defending, and
who should our leaders be in discerning them for us, given
that the world has a psychological
dichotomy of sorts that has always been
unbridgeable between opposite psychological types
as are presented in the
shown in this movie - and needless to say, cannot be sustained
when the
facts of these differences are brought to light with
sufficient force of
It needs to be noted that the rendition starring Anthony Hopkins couldn't have been
miscast, in a way as to altogether retard the basic argument. The contrast
between the
characters involved.

In fact the woman who plays
Kristine in this Norwegian original work is essentially the type
of person that
was picked to play Nora in the Hopkins version as it were although the
comparison is only fundamentally valid and I don't go beyond that except to
the differences are quite apparent when comparing these women to our Nora in
Norwegian true to the book version. In fact for those viewing this movie in
America, or
Ireland etc, you will find it hard to see Nora here as anything but
an Irish woman as that
is in fact precisely who she is to you, if you have
studied some of the
history of the peoples
of Ireland and where it is that they
broadly originate from, and so I hope your very special
interest is altogether captivated in her plight and your concern for her in our world.
Nora Helmer - The
Fassbinder version of
Henrik Ibsen's "A Doll's House"
By th eway, the Fassbinder vesion of this play has the two characters seeming
much closer together in understanding at the level of mutual respect for
one another that would be expected in German culture for the characters that
ar depicted in the casting that is employed.
As for the Norwegian rendition once again, it must be said that in the end, the debauchery
of the emotions brought about by a forceful
disclosure to one
another that these two types
of beings are so fundamentally
different brings the character of Nora to see her husband in
the movie play
"Torvald" as a devil in disguise, no less, to her own mindset while he
sees her
as a fallen woman of sorts, lacking a type of virtue as it were, given
that she has broken his code, misguided and inane as that viewpoint is by
Yet they will never come to terms with these differences of opinions as they are
born with
different minds on the matter although some
would apply the nature
versus nurture argument
to suggest they might be closer brought in the future.
This is both misguided and foolhardy
in fact. All that can be done is to protect
Nora better in that what she brings to our world
is in fact the greatest care
and nurturing of a real Christianly spirit - and we must see that she
is never
assailed in her life as she is in this movie for being a good soul among men.
Michael Rizzo Chessman

The Jane Fonda version features some fine acting - all around too