A French village (TV series)
This series based in wartime
(WWII) France looks at the entire ugly phenomenon of "collaboration with the
enemy" at a time of clear and present danger to the best of peoples who were
instead extant in France, and throughout Europe, including Russia who as we all
know finally did defeat the Nazis, although help at long last was found to be
forthcoming from the Americans particularly as they had decided to join in the
effort against this menace of the times having been ruthlessly targeted at Pearl
Harbour by an emboldened Japanese Emperor having been found worthy to be
"partner" to Hitlers Nazis with whom they entered into a bond formally would you
believe. Its contrasted with a look at those brave souls who instead join the
resistance movement to safeguard an existence free of tyranny and evil from Nazi
values and insanity of existential ideas - mainly involved with killing with no
rhyme or reason till there's nothing left, designating all as inferiors and name
calling others as "potential enemies or aggressors" to this mindset back then
equally too no doubt. Evil will always be insecure on our planet as a result
even more no doubt as we move into a future filled with promise for decent souls
instead of what this mindset would have sought to marry to along the way in its
bid to destroy more valid humanist sanity instead.
Michael Rizzo Chessman