Absence of
Malice (1981)

Sir Paul Newman received a well deserved Oscar (as best actor)
nomination for his Lead role in this movie - the best of men I say!
The movie essentially says this to us:
The absence of malice is what makes the difference as to whether
is guilty of rape even if a woman is seeming to consent - (no
woman can
in reality give consent to masochistic urges as they are
inherently mentally
unwell that have such tendencies to inflict or
such cruelties) - and therefore in all cases of what we call
"tort" injuries
- we look
to the presence
and degree of malicious
intent both prima
facie and otherwise apparent
under the surface
in order to determine
guilt and the extent of it - in the harm
a member of society
another of its own constituents.
Simple negligence in carrying out ones duties is a different sort of
infraction in the minds of a reasonable man than would be so in
of outward willingness and desire to do harm to someone
(without regard
to justice). This movie drives that point home.
Michael Rizzo Chessman
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