French quote:
La raison du plus fort est toujuours la meilleure

"The reasoning of the strongest is generally seen by some
as generally seeming always the the wiser"

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Amen (Der Stellvertreter) (2002)

This movie tries to show that there were objections raised to the atrocities at the death camps, - such objections coming from good German men such as the main character depiction of this movie.

It also shows similar raising of conscience on the part of Italians such as the Catholic priest featured in the movie too.

There is a suggestion that the Church could have been more involved in expressing their horror as to what was going on to so many people in their communities , however that will remain a controversial view I believe for most of the faithful to whom the story is told. Most would have feared reprisals at the time no doubt and so did all they could perhaps. Some controversial views in any event are expressed by Church officials in this brave movie.

Michael Rizzo Chessman


