Black Hawk Down (2001)

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This movie shows the disastrous cost to lives and health of American personnel sent mindlessly into Somalia to get involved in tribal feuds there during the Clinton administrations tenure in fact. Graphic scenes of cruelty being inflicted in ghastly attacks and related injuries while on the ground. (Why not handle it all from the air for crissakes) Interestingly, the American commander justifies the American casualties saying 300,000 killed of the local inhabitants was seeming like genocide being inflicted by the warlord the Americans were targeting there for war crimes. Genocide? Where was that attitude while a million Iraqi folks died from Bush led sanctions for crissakes! British MP Sir George Galloway points that out as "infanticide masquerading as policy" and is more rightly seen to be genocide as ISIS replaced much of the more humanly
spirit on our TV screens of what we see from there all too often.

Michael Rizzo Chessman

