I for one find a few of the skits
extremely funny and
enjoyed aspects of the show as I love dear
Shelley Long
particularly in this show I can
truly say!
That said, I cannot for the life of me understand some
of the
scripting in an
episode or
two when Sam speaks
in an extremely
rude and seeming playful at times, but
event rather
crudely threatening manner as if
to blow of steam or make
points for those who
could stand to see someone of
Diane's spirit spoken to
way, or ever slapped repeatedly
across the face
in playful fashion no doubt in a
scene where the two
exchange the gesture I submit. I was raised to NEVER
such horseplay, let alone actually seem to
make it seem real in some respect -
god forbid!
This is a great series for those who appreciate warm
beauty as depicted
very nicely here inmost
special manner by
Shelley Long, with a supportive
along the way, despite the
ending scene in which she
returns to marry
former Bar Owner
Sam Malone (Ted
Danson) only to find her old crowd of friends
having developed other loyalties it would appear in
their ideas
of "the ideal
couple" no doubt - given
changing times.
Michael Rizzo Chessman
(moviesbyrizzo TV Series comment)
Exhibit A - who would ever dream of speaking in such
manner to a true lady of such humanly spirit, pray tell?
This clearly ranks with misogynistic level of hate manifested
clearly in what should be seemed physical assualt by sam
as it only purports to seem as a comedy of errors in the
treatment of women in the community in general I have to add
shame on you sam malone and all involved with the script approval
Only at a later time does sam come out and declare his
affection instead for Whoopi Goldberg for himself

download the complete series in
mini 360p filesize (HDrip)