This is a particularly powerful movie in the force employed to distinguish
between what is the human idealism present and looking on in horror, to the
barbaric wicked sadistic nature of the beast we see in the atrocity committed
against a civilian population in Italy and in particular a little boy who is
manhandled by the sadistic murderous to the human spirit Caligulan nature of an
SS Commander we see depicted here too. Why would we ever have allowed this to go
on? We may never stop asking! Never again! amen
The movie focuses on the legal case before a German court as to whether "the law
may be taken into ones own hands" in the case of those monstrous war criminals
there can be no excuse to allow go unpunished such as invoking "statute of
limitations" type arguments to aid and abet these criminals in our midst - even
today it would appear
There is some suggestion that like the movie Eleni (1985) argues, justice
delayed is possibly justice denied in that such sadistic evil minds as we see
might actually become now magically "reformed" as "family men" who even seek to
play father figure to those of their victims from before as depicted in this
movie from German movie producers. Not realistic an argument in my own humble
view - not one bit.
Michael Rizzo Chessman