Fanny and Alexander
Fanny and Alexander (Sweden)
Ingmar Bergman Director

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Sweden has blessed us kindly with the great Irish spirit for which
all Europe is great likewise in such regards then.

Such a spirit has to be carefully nurtured so as to reject the sort of parenting style satirized by Christopher Plummer's character in the Sound of Music - in favour of having the spirit of Fraulein Maria of course and to reject as well the sort of perhaps incompatible nature displayed by the character of Torvald as depicted in the Norwegian rendition of "A Dolls House" (Et Dukkehjem, Norway 1973)
in his response and treatment of kindly and good natured Nora played by Lise Fjeldstad in the difficult situation she found herself in having done what she honestly believed was her duty to save him earlier in the story.  

Michael Rizzo Chessman
