vs Kramer (1979)

This movie won Best
picture at the Academy awards along with Best actress/Actor for Ms. Meryl Streep
and Mr. Dustin Hoffman and even took the Oscar for best Director., and best
script (Screenplay)
The movie looks at the issues that the courts become concerned with in deciding
cases of custody of minor children in the case of divorce. It doesnt look like
real issues of substance are looked at fairly at all and rather insanely hostile
lawyer types along with petty minded grievances and excuses of the parties
become the centre of it all, at the expense of the children, and in this case
the dear mother played by Ms. Meryl Streep whose bondedness with this little boy
and her ability to give maternal most needed care for the boy at the age of 7
while Dustin Hoffman's character was tied up in career should have been an easy
call to make.
I saw this movie in the theater when it first came out and fell in love with the
actress - our own dear Meryl Streep who according to press reports wasn't as
well known just yet enough at that time. She only recently came out to comment
on the slap she took (physical assault it seems) from Dustin Hoffman during an
exchange on the set. Amazing - where are the men of chivalry to be found around
when they are most needed I say!
Michael Rizzo Chessman