La cage aux
folles (1978)

This is a movie that is perhaps
the best known of those in the gay genre of productions
I believe.
Its a comedy that is filled with humour that's only mainly appreciated by those
the stamina and tolerance for the hi-strung personalities involved - although
that's par
for the course
for the gay audience of course and for those that are of the mind to
into theatrics
and what have you!
It can be viewed with some cynicism perhaps in what is the actual accomplishment
expressing genuine care in the midst of such mayhem and satirical horseplay,
it does attempt to show some degree of caring within the community it is
intended most
to be of comfort to, and is edifying in what it imparts to the non gay audience
After all, it brings you a perspective you might otherwise lack of how many do
fact live and function in our world.
I first saw this movie when I was only eighteen, employed as a store Manager for
the Radio shack chain, as a fellow Manager from a store just up the street
it would be some comedic relief from a hectic work schedule. No regrets, it
was worth seeing, however it wasn't a movie I would have picked out for myself
as it is in fact a radical departure from what level of farcical entertainment
I can endure. I would instead have gone to see "The sting" starring Robert
as that sort of movie has humour enough in it for me.
Michael Rizzo Chessman
(moviesbyrizzo uploads)