Pornland - A Documentary by British activist Ms. Gail Dines on the Porn
(Documentary first offered for on-line viewing on
This is a documentary by British author Gail Dines on the Porn industry.
While there is a bit of a cynical view taken of the fact that the porn
industry has at times been lucrative apparently (although I think free porn
on the net has pretty much made that seem like an idea that no longer is
valid) she does make the point that those with great amounts of money can often
influence political and social spheres with funds spent on lobbying and advertising etc.
In my own view a legitimate porn industry raking in lots of money is not an unwelcome
sort of proposition provided the content is clean of the sort of perverted types of violent behaviour and cruelly disfigured tastes in cruelty towards women that is shown as evidence
in many of the clips included in this documentary from porn flicks and videos from the net it seems.
Gail Dines argues that we are changing cultural norms in matters of sexual appetites and
acceptance of deviance of a violent and abusive mindset that she shows is out there towards
women in unacceptable displays of such forms of barbarity and in this respect I have to say her
recently formed organization which seeks to reform the industry has all the merit in the world to
that extent.
That all said, I do believe that we should always allow for the industry to exist and prosper, provided it
is serving a human need with merited ideas of what should be shown and encouraged from a humanistic
point of view keeping in mind that porn, like prostitution does serve a human need that will never in my own
view be eliminated from reality because it is the only choice available to some at times of need and should
be kept available, but perhaps licensed in some form to prevent abuses to women that should never go
unpunished and rejected from our midst altogether I say.
Gail Dines also has her views on depictions of inter-racial sex which she makes
clear, while arguing that it is supposedly mainly white men that in her view this
sort of material is consumed by, while noting their rejection of its depictions that are described negatively
in this documentary appeal.
Michael Rizzo Chessman