"Race is a four letter word" (Cdn National film Biard presentation)
available for download and DVD loan at libraries such as Toronto's
![]() This documentary looks at the racial experiment between black and white inhabitants of the Canadian landscape - involving those who wish to ignore racial differences and come together such as in this video in a manner as to allow for sexual experimentation for those interested, and to try on new identities free of any idea that they are in fact black in the case of those members of the black race involved in the film production which are in fact interviewed. One woman claims she is often told she is ugly as a black woman choice in her case, something she says she'd like to see all around reflect back altogether in the opposite way if she simply insist on it as a way of asking for social justice in freeing up minds from such ideas connected to her - one woman declared herself Miss Canada and has photo opportunities in various parts of Canada with eager men and women wanting to be in the picture with her. A member of the white males in Canada who is pictured nude with a Jamaican man while they experiment with each other in holding poses with each other while nude says at this point of his career he wishes to be "held up" - actually referring I might suppose to the idea of being held in high esteem perhaps, for his willingness to turn a blind eye on racial acceptance given his sexual needs in his own case actually. (Most here do speak in tongues in this regard it is widely known amongst the local inhabitants prior to the mass immigration wave of previous decades just ended) (They tend to bespeaking in cues that is around sensitive subjects among their own mindset which does so equally) Thanks for taking an interest in our issues here in Canada and elsewhere related perhaps too undoubtedly Michael Rizzo Chessman (moviesbyrizzo documentary uploads) michael@michaelrizzoxxx.com |