Serpico (1973)
(Mr. Al Pacino)

Al Pacino, (nominated for an Oscar for Best Actor for this movie role) the best
of thetypical such great men of Italy in my
sincere (and reasoned) view, plays a New York
Detective unable to accept
corruption as a normal part of
life as it then is on the New York
Some people do deserve more than they get, some deserve less than the system
allows them -
however there are better ways to ensure this than by being outside the law all
your life I think.
I also must point out that it is the men of his genre whose sense of idealism
and good spirit knows
no limits can be at their best only when they are justly rewarded for who it is
they are and can be
to others in their midst who are equally deserving as they. In this regard, the
outbursts against
the woman he is cast with find their place as dissonant and best avoided, while
better matches
be sought for both in compatible regards and in an effort to engage at their
best both who are
concerned so the best human spirit can prevail and remain vibrant on the earth
for posterity
too certainly - how else could we possibly survive?
I did note to a couple of police staffers back in 2009 that they should be aware
that the best
men of Idealistic spirit (i pointed out the Italian gentleman police officer on
duty at 52 Div
that day here in Toronto) are the most trustworthy and sane in their dealings I
find and the most
reasoning from a human perspective - the two I was dealing with instead that day
seemed only
superficially polite (at best) despite mainly radiating heavily with negatively
spirited instincts in matters
of conscience in my own regards, and this showed in all which followed in the
matter - more evidence
for my upcoming book!
Michael Rizzo Chessman