Black book (2006) Sebastian Koch, Carice Van Houten
This is a great movie from Holland that is set in WWII

Stars the popular Mr Sebastian Koch and the most lovely
Ms Carice Van Houten
A Blonde beautiful woman of Jewish connection is romantically engaged
to a high ranking caliber of German Officer in her bid to aid the war effort.
The frustration of the Dutch with the incompetence of Canadian styled
incompetence is highlighted towards the end of this movie when a
ranking Army officer from a Canadian involved regiment is referred
to as a "Canadian asshole" by the Dutch who are overwhelmed by the lack
of genius in the life and death decision that they see is made with no
regard to merit whatsoever. tut! tut!
The treatment of the character of Ms. Rachel Stein in having to literally
endure being innundated in merde for being viewed as a collaborator
is a disgusting sight that defies all human sanity of any decency whatever.
It certainly lacks all understanding of the concepts of merit or
true decency on the part of the mob which inflicts its own brand
of justice. Oh well I guess we'll eventually get over it somehow -
although I have doubts of my own in this regard.
Michael Rizzo Chessman