(see further below for USA vers link by comparison too I suppose) ![]() Original (2014) Italian made movie vers Thanks to kanopy.com for this "staff pick" being featured at their site for viewing currently. This movie set in Italy opens with a shooting by an undercover policeman of a man in a road rage incident involving the policeman too. When a similar attack brings the son and daughter of two Italian professional (lawyer and doctor) family men into a potentially murder situation, their conflicting conflicts between duty to the state and decency and that of filial protection of an ancient mindset which still is strongly believed in on the planet in many parts although not with as much fervour perhaps as is depicted considering the final outcome of this movie. There are some truly disturbing words spoken by the teenage girl depicted as she is scripted to have amused herself with a thought that they might perhaps have even gone so far as "setting their victim on fire" in what was already deemed pretty much a display of gratuitous lethal violence by the two teenagers involved. That's a display of an ugly spirit that may in fact be harboured by some such gals on the planet, no doubt, but its a dangerous stereotype to indulge with if it isn't actually valid to posit as depicted for the hidden personality of the girl in question, which requires an educated attitude in response (for all thereby concerned). Then there is the comment by the wife of the doctor that she wished she had a scalpel from her husbands medical kit so that she could perhaps cut off someone's (a waiter) finger in a moment of anger and or frustration it would appear. Italian men shown as quite often venting openly about their frustrations so as to get an issue resolved honestly and completely and without reservation does have its merits as a style when combating evil in their midst or a lack of sanity being shown perhaps by those there that don't engage the right mindset against others of their community members at times. No harm done if good folks don't suffer from such outbursts and good prevails in the end. Ultimately I do think we will end up finding that the best sanity could potentially be seen prevailing for the folks in Italy provided resources to combat unfairness in resource allocation on the planet in favour of the most idealistic disposition is adopted instead, and clear efforts are made to eliminate all instances of evil in their midst towards the best human spirit and anywhere else on the planet, thereby benefiting the best of men certainly that you fill find there and elsewhere such minds exist, I'm sure, along with such others that have their best intentions at heart as I for one fully believe will be most greatly shown by the men of Italy and related ones on the planet when the chips are finally down I say. These are the best of men I believe at the end of it all, when right thinking prevails at some point on the planet too. Amen Michael Rizzo (Chessman) (moviesbyrizzo) (eurohumanist.org) Leader http://eurocoalition.org ![]() |