One Oscar nomination for this great movie with the truly nice
Mickey Rourke
along with dearest Ms. Daryl Hannah (we have her
at http://10mostbeautifulwomen.com)
This mob related flick is an
eye opener to say that with the right opportunities, great Italian
oriented men like the character
depicted by our own Mickey Rourke
wouldn't have to resort to risking their lives in dangerous or
illegal work, and in fact
it is this frustration which is responsible
for whatever crime from this quarter we see played out on the
streets in New York
(loan sharking, unfair extortion, fixed or
crooked gambling joints etc) or Italy by some of the men who
become caught up in this
- simply because - they are not doing what
they would be doing in many cases - if they simply had better choices,
more rewards
for what are their god-given talents endowment as
such truly greatest men and their capabilities in general along of
course with
second-to-none spirit. These are men who are or can be
decent with a spiritual awakening of sorts - a reminder of who we
ultimately and will be more so in their engagements I believe
once we start to insist (soon I expect) on more justice in this world
so these men have what is their due with whatever power than can
accrue to them over the earth and its resources in a manner
fair and which will see all the present instances of evil eradicated
instead - wherever unfair outcomes presently prevail
at the
present time that is.
It is never right to take from those who are
more deserving to a specific benefit in Christianly sense of merit
(Mickey Rourke
reminds Pauley of this when Pauley begrudges giving
the Irishman who helped them in a heist, his $50k due), however it is
also wrong to let others have what you rightly should have instead
based on Christianly merit and I say that too all Irish spirited
who have christianly merit as Mickey Rourke demonstrates, and
which you will find is supreme in the other such men he is
depicting in
this movie certainly - Irish related spirited sorts of Italy Spain
Daryl Hannah is beautiful - what a great showing of her spirit
too in this movie - she has to be on the team ultimately
her man, rather than wanting to retard him in any unspirited way,
and this is precisely what we see - she is trying to help
him be
better at what it is he knows best already he is called to do in
whatever situation in order to continue to survive
and provide for them both in loving spirit.
Michael Rizzo Chessman