This is the movie about the prohibition era
wars between "law enforcement" and gangland mobs as it were.
Elliott Ness (Kevin Costner) is a crusader. having a drink may not be
harmful to you he says, however its "the law of the land" and that
brings out his iron resolve to destroy all in his path to glory having
won against the perceived evil in his midst, anyone who would dare to
challenge it (the law, that is - and that ultimately is Elliott Ness of
course). That is what is pure, he says to his team of Chicago police
storm troopers.
This is one of the worst pieces of movie making bits in history, as the
producers are so anxious to promote this idea of law and order, they are
so determined to paint as ultimate villains those that defy any law at
all, that they go so far as to blow up an Irish kid (a right Christianly
little girl) at the start of the movie to make their point - if you can
break the law even a little, you might just go all the way and kill
someone too.
I am horrified at such callousness and the desensitization of this form
of violent sort of disposition in our communities coming to us from
Hollywood types that were able to even convince Sean Connery to play a
major role in the movie as a crusader on the team with Costner in fact.
Other than that it would have been a fun sort of movie, all in the same
sort of spirit as other movies of this genre. As it is, it smacks of an
industry in need of reform and even regulation perhaps in that sometimes
you just gotta say "that ain't fit to do, cause there ain't no good
reason for it".
Michael Rizzo Chessman