Paul Newman- The Verdict

Orator improbus leges subvertit
"An unprincipled orator subverts the laws"

The Verdict (1982) Mr. Paul Newman

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Oscar Winner - Academy Awards Best Picture (1982), Best Actor 
(Mr. Paul Newman)

This is a great movie from the master screen-playwright - Pullitzer
prize Laureate Mr. David Mamet and co-starring his lovely wife along
the way, Ms. Lindsay Crouse as the caring and principled Nurse Ms. Kaitlin
Costello. The late Mr. Paul Newman turns in a masterful and brilliant
performance - one of the best ever in movie making history. Mamet also
gave us "House of Games" which starred Lindsay Crouse in similar fashion
with lovely beauty that is in her spirit.

The wicked Doctor Towler et al deserved to receive the stiffest sanctions
for their cruel misdeeds in the movie plot and life generally that have this
mindset and this movie does the right thing to expose this genre for what is
a complete absence of an idea of integrity in how they treat others in their
space of control. Its not what they do as much as the obvious venomous 
attitude that is the problem I suggest.

This is truly one of my favourite movies indeed! So very inspirational I think.
Paul Newman's character is flawless and his acting superb I believe.

It is a "comeback story" - perhaps the best that's ever been told.
We do learn however that even those who might mean well (as Newman's
character is seen to be I would say certainly), can be at odds with the 
dictates of common courtesy and duty, integrity and rightful conduct 
as I would say Newman's character is in failing to disclose to his clients 
(as a lawyer that he is) that he has an offer on the table from their opponents
in this case - The Catholic Church run hospital in town, on a malpractice claim 
against them.

Instead Newman's character takes on a huge risk to go to trial instead - a 
complete gamble really that could only payoff with his hunch being possibly 
correct in this choice of strategy instead - a miracle would have been needed 
for it to work I believe were it not that this is after all a hollywood story 
trying perhaps to convince us of Newman's character's intuitive judgement as 
supreme in such a case perhaps and should be trusted regardless.

Oh, well, Newman will always remain a favourite I believe for those of us
that think so much of his performance in this movie and "The Sting" too
(with Mr. Robert Redford - another greatest actor) 

Michael Rizzo Chessman


