Three's company  Three's Company


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I used to subscribe specially to a TV channel called "deja-vu"
just to see re-runs of this favourite show of mine along with MASH

This is a most popular of the USA sitcoms in history. A story about
Jack Tripper a man who presents as gay which allows him to share
an apartment with two lovely gals from time to time (different
cast members such as Suzanne Somers and the equally beautifully
human spirit of dearest Ms. Priscilla Barnes along the way) and
co-starring Joyce Dewitt and the nice chap who lives upstairs
who's always out to score too, it seems.

The landlord "Mr. Roper" says to "Jack" that he is welcome to stay
as he has "rights the same as any other minority" (Old fashioned
and new-found "wisdom" wouldn't have allowed a straight
presenting man to live there instead it would appear"

There is so much humour I often am laughing so loud my next door
neighbour must be able to hear for moments along the way I bet.
"Jack" is cast as good natured along with his antics in trying to be
real nice and caring to the gals, while maintaining his gay charade
with the landlord couple, and then while trying to make out with
other beautiful gals along the way additionally. In real life he died
young, recently, sad to say for his many fans from this show.

Michael Rizzo Chessman

