welcome back kotter 



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TV Series
(Gabe Kaplan)

Welcome back Kotter is a series which ran on TV from 1975-1979
and starred Gabe Kaplan along with Marcia Strassman and with a role for John Travolta who went on to the big-time with the starring role in the biggest Disco movie "Saturday night fever" in 1979

Its a look at where we are now based on where we were back then in what were the emerging conflicts of values with the mainstream mores in favour of "sweathog" and "jock" culture and mindset values being urged by scriptwriters using the character of Kaplan in the main to encourage all the upheaval to take its course. There's much humour now and then in what Kaplan's scripted to say, especially to his on-screen wife Marcia Strassman (she died not too long ago in her early 60s regrettably).

Enjoy this important look at American culture in respect of whats shown for the segments most affected in this regard as shown, the locale focussed on most particularly

Michael Rizzo Chessman
(moviesbyrizzo TV Series comment)

